First Day Job Advice 

Wall Street has never been a more sought-after career destination for college students. Goldman Sachs received a record-breaking 315,126 applications for its 2024 internship program, a significant increase from the 53,107 applications it received a decade ago. This year, it admitted 2,700 of those applicants, resulting in an acceptance rate of less than 1%.  At the beginning of Goldman Sachs 10 week internship program, CEO David Solomon gave the following advice:

June 11, 2024

Welcome to Goldman Sachs

On behalf of our people around the world, welcome to Goldman Sachs.

During your internship, you will have an opportunity to work with our exceptional teams as we continue to serve our client franchise with excellence. You will gain direct exposure to the firm's work at the heart of global finance, and experience first-hand what it means to be a part of Goldman Sachs – including how we strive to incorporate our core values of partnership, client service, integrity and excellence in everything we do.

Every day, Goldman Sachs people contribute to the firm's standing as a trusted advisor, financier, proven risk manager and experienced asset manager. Over the coming weeks, we encourage you to make the most of our apprenticeship culture – you will collaborate with and learn from leaders and experts in their space who have significant experience building long-term relationships, advising clients and stakeholders on their most complex challenges, and identifying impactful solutions.

The best thing about Goldman Sachs is our people, and our hope is that you will gain invaluable skills and experience this summer, while developing lasting connections with our people and your fellow interns.

With that said, I wanted to share a few thoughts with you to help you make the most of your internship:

Choose excellence. To go the distance, you must refuse to settle for good enough. Always strive to deliver your best, both as individuals and as teams.

Invest in your relationships. In business and life, relationships are crucial – no matter what path you choose. An ability to genuinely connect with people, and earn their trust, will not only advance your career – it will make your experience even more fulfilling.

Play to your strengths. The fact that you are here means that you are talented. Embrace your unique skills and experiences, and constantly ask how you can improve and contribute.

Bring people along. Partnership is key to delivering the best service. Never underestimate the power of the collective – take the time to listen to the perspectives of those around you and encourage the free flow of ideas to achieve stronger outcomes.

Don't be in a hurry. How you spend your time is how you spend your life. Nothing that's really worthwhile comes without hard work and commitment over a period of time – apply yourself, and enjoy the journey.

Thank you for deciding to spend your summer at Goldman Sachs as you continue to build on your academic success and invest in your career for the long-term. I look forward to connecting with many of you over the next few weeks.
