Word For Word Scripts For The Most Difficult Conversations At Work
Alisa Cohn (@AlisaCohn) is a prominent start up coach and was a guest on a Tim Ferris podcast. She discussed and provided scrips for some of the most difficult conversations at work. These scripts are listed below by the time on the podcast.
You can find the show notes and a link to the podcast here:
Scripts for quick, positive feedback (including one to use when someone is struggling), and how to make sure you integrate their use into your daily routine. [2:05:50]
A developmental feedback script to use with an employee who is junior to you. [2:08:03]
A developmental feedback script to use with an employee who plays a managerial role. [2:08:50]
A script for having a difficult feedback conversation (aka constructive criticism) with an employee. [2:09:50]
A couple of scripts for having difficult feedback conversations with employees when the first one’s been used but the situation hasn’t improved (and you’re not ready to fire them — yet). [2:12:02]
The firing conversation script. [2:15:33]
Scripts for soliciting more feedback from your managers and bosses. [2:17:47]
A script you can use to either set or reset expectations for your employees. [2:21:03]
Questions you can ask your employees so that you can have a deeper conversation about work in your one-on-one. [2:22:23]
A script for introducing the idea of career coaching, and proactive questions to ask about future goals and expectations. [2:23:23]
A script for telling someone you’re bringing in a manager on top of them. [2:25:30]
Simple networking scripts, resources, and suggestions. [2:27:54]
An email script you can use to reconnect with an old friend or colleague. [2:31:42]